Wednesday, 20 February 2013


Real Estate

by Darrin DeRoches
February 14 - 20, 2013
Every real estate agent hears the same question over and over “How is the market doing?” Since I write a weekly article I figure I should answer the question from time to time. The market is doing great. We are beating every other market in the country – right now. Our employment rate is below the national average and our real estate market is constantly growing. Our only problem is inventory. I presently have several clients looking for townhouses in stoney creek and ancaster but the problem is no quality units are on the market. There are units available which would need some work and my clients are looking for ready to move in units. I spent the weekend showing several clients different properties and even slugging through snow drifts to find a suitable unit. There are very few options out there. I do not blame the sellers on trying to get top dollar but if they priced it right properties are selling fast.
    We stopped in an open house which already had a conditional offer on it and they had couples clamoring to get in to see if the deal falls apart. This particular house was priced right and sold in under a week during a snow storm. Buyers are braving snow drifts, soaking feet and a few slips and falls to get into a quality property before it sells. My clients just started looking and they were even considering on putting in an offer just so they would not miss out. I told them to digest it, sent them some history on the property and wait and see. The property is over–priced and I believe we can find them another unit for a better price. I know it is my business to sell properties but time and patience can help make a better decision.
    The year has started with a bang and properties are moving. The biggest push of the year is the spring market and I know it will be fast and furious. The snow will melt and the market will be blazing hot. If you are considering on selling this spring give me a call and I can show you how to take advantage of the fast moving market and realize top dollar on your sale and get a fair price on your purchase. Being prepared and ready to move will be the best strategy to win in the spring market. If you are a first time buyer we can also prepare you to not only be pre–approved but to be the top candidate in the search for your first home. This market will be the most competitive and how you present yourself and your offer will be the difference from winning in this competitive marketplace to losing in frustration which could keep you renting. V

    Darrin DeRoches is a local real estate and mortgage broker. He can be reached to answer questions, comments or stories about real estate experiences through this weekly column at